sarah caroline crawford
sarah caroline crawford



All opinions on this site, and on my social media profiles, are my own. My opinions do not reflect any of my employers, clients, or brand partners.

My opinions are solely based on my own personal experiences. Experiences will vary for everyone. Do not take my opinions or experiences as advice, facts, or scientific statements. They are not.

Please do your own research and consult your own doctor when considering purchasing any products. This applies to food, supplements, clothing, home goods, or any other products you see on my website or my social media profiles. This includes any products mentioned in interviews, podcast episodes, direct messages, emails, or any other form of communication.


This site contains affiliate links and affiliate discount codes. I will be compensated if you make a purchase using my affiliate links or affiliate discount codes.

My affiliate partners include, but may not be limited to the following (as new and existing brand partnerships grow and change): Chill Body, Seed Synbiotic, Public Goods, Fur Oil, Klei Beauty

Many of the products that I share on my social media profiles and on this website have been sent to me as free gifts or were bought by me at a discounted price in exchange for content creation.

Free PR gifts, affiliate products, and other forms of compensation are noted when applicable.


Feel free to contact me in regards to the above disclosures.